Hey,this is matrixkook
这个博客会不定期的更新一些我自己的想法和有意思的题目。希望大家来找错误,有任何问题都可以通过任何途径联系我,(当然 加个友链最好啦
this is my path
c language 20XX(almost noting ,i droped it);
and then it will continue;
c++ language 2019--;
assembly language(16) 2018--;
assembly language(32&64) 2018--;
rust 2020--;
and who i want to be,what i want to do
a pwner;
a normal programmer
write more beautiful codes;
Glory to the MANKIND!
这是我的利用 GitHub Pages 与 Jekyll 搭建的 个人博客。 this forks from BY