AAA Style Or limit it

auto auto auto

Posted by Matrixtang on June 8, 2020

Special Edition: AAA Style Or limit it

Toward correct-by-default, efficient-by-default, and pitfall-free-by-default variable declarations, using “AAA style”… where “triple-A” is both a mnemonic and an evaluation of its value.

自从C++11,引进auto之后.auto便成为被很多人的使用的,能大幅度减少的代码的特性.但是不完整的类型推导,导致许多错误 例如

auto test_for_proma() ->std::uint16_t
    std::uint16_t b; 
    const auto a = b + 1; // auto => int
    return b + 1;
void test_auto_derivation_error()
    auto c = test_for_proma() + static_cast<std::uint16_t>(1);// auto => int
    auto d = test_for_proma();//auto => uint_t16
    auto e = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(1);// auto => uint_t16
// on CXX=c++20

按照语义应该推到出uint_t16的auto , 却将两个uint_t16的推导为int

Herb Sutter在AAA这篇文章中提议到的,有这样一种编程风格AAA(Almost Always Auto)

template<class Container>
void some_function( Container& c ) {
   for(auto v : Container)

简化了 从容器中取值的操作 支持range

for(auto a : some_container)

Use auto

// Stack Allocation
auto e = employee{empid};

// Heap Allocation
auto w = make_unique<widget>();

// Literal Suffixes (User-defined suffixes coming in C++14)
auto x = 42; // int 
auto x = 42.0f; // float
auto x = 42ul; // unsigned long
auto x = "42"s; // C++14, std::string
auto x = 42ns; // C++14, std::nano_seconds not in c++20

// Function declarations and named lambdas
auto f(double) -> int { ... }
auto f = [=] (double) -> int { ... };

// Alias declarations
using dict = set<string>;

template <class T>
using vec = vector<T, myalloc>;
// Not applicable for:
auto arr = std::array<int, 1000>{}; // Expensive to move
auto & arr = std::array<int,1000>{}; // auto & is better
auto lock = std::lock_guard<std::mutex>{m} // Not movable

在我们明确知道 一个变量的类型的时候,用auto来推导是十分简单和方便的

配合decltype 或者单纯的auto 可以实现

class A 
    int i;
         A(int ii ):i(ii){}
        A& operator*(const A& lhs)
            auto res = new A(this->i * lhs.i);
            return *res;

template<class T, class U>
auto mul(T x, U y)
    return x*y;

void test_auto_in_template_function()
    auto a = mul<int , int >(1,2);//  auto=> int
    auto b = mul<double, int>(1.0,2);//auto => intA
    auto c = mul<std::uint16_t, int>(1,2);//auto => int
    auto d = mul<A,A>(A(1),A(2));// auto=> A



template<class T, class U>
auto mul(T x, U y) -> decltype(x * y) 
   return x*y;
//显式将mul的类型定义为 x * y

既然auto有这么多好处 , AAA 想必是一个应该贯彻下去的范式

with limit

auto会损失可读性 , auto is weakest concept

T.12: Prefer concept names over auto for local variables


auto is the weakest concept. Concept names convey more meaning than just auto.

(C++ core guidelines 里auto部分居然是todo的 emmmm)


vector<string> v{ "abc", "xyz" };
auto& x = v.front();     // bad
String& s = v.front();   // good (String is a GSL concept)


    auto vec = {1,3,4};
    auto fun1 = [](decltype(vec) vec) ->auto { return decltype(vec)(vec);};
    return std::make_tuple(fun1(vec),"hello","world"); 

void test_auto_in_unreadable()
    auto tuple = make_complex_tuple();
    for(auto i : std::get<0>(tuple))
        std::cout << i << " ";
    std::cout << std::get<1>(tuple) << " " << std::get<2>(tuple);


Dark edge

  1. init_list
auto x = long long{ 42 };            // error
auto x = int64_t{ 42 };              // ok, better 
auto x = 42LL;                       // ok, better 

auto y = class X{1,2,3};             // error
auto y = X{1,2,3};                   // ok


2.proxy class

vector是一个奇葩的存在,它的[]返回的不是bool,是一个表示单独bool引用的proxy class,于是你得到是这个引用(而你平常使用bool没事,是因为完成了一个隐式转换),而你用auto的话,想要得到意想中的类型,需要使用static_cast,再给auto。而这也不是特例,其适用于含有proxy class的class。

void test_vector_bool()
    std::vector<bool> v;
    auto var = v[0];
    std::cout << typeid(var).name() << std::endl; //St14_Bit_reference


We already ignore explicit and exact types much of the time, including with temporary objects, virtual functions, templates, and more. This is a feature, not a bug, because it makes our code less tightly coupled, and more generic, flexible, reusable, and future-proof.

Declaring variables using auto, whether or not we want to commit to a type, offers advantages for correctness, performance, maintainability, and robustness, as well as typing convenience. Furthermore, it is an example of how the C++ world is moving to a left-to-right declaration style everywhere, of the form

category name = type and/or initializer ;

where “category” can be auto or using, and we can get not only correctness and performance but also consistency benefits by using the style to consistently declare local variables (including using literals and user-defined literals), function declarations, named lambdas, aliases, template aliases, and more.

我们已经很多时候忽略了显式和精确类型,包括临时对象,虚函数,模板等等。 这是一个功能,而不是错误,因为它使我们的代码紧密耦合,并且更加通用,灵活,可重用且面向未来。

使用auto声明变量,无论我们是否要提交类型,都具有正确性,性能,可维护性和鲁棒性以及键入方便的优点。 此外,它是一个示例,说明C ++世界如何在各处都从左向右声明样式,形式如下:

category name = type and/or initializer ;



但是使用过程中, 也要关心auto的一些奇怪的标准

// Classic C++ workaround            // Modern C++ style

typedef set<string> dict;            using dict = set<string>;

template<class T> struct myvec {     template<class T>
  typedef vector<T,myalloc> type;    using myvec = vector<T,myalloc>;



auto 关键字 – 知乎